AdminSep 52 min readSong: Rainbow Over the Oakland Port【 】 Beneath the sky’s canvas, colors blend, Where the sun kisses the bay, and dreams ascend. Oakland Port, a harbor...
AdminSep 51 min readPistachio HarvestOnce the pistachios are ripe, mechanical tree shakers are used. These machines grab the tree trunk and vigorously shake it, causing the...
AdminJan 6, 20212 min read新鲜开心果 烹饪健康美食加州的新鲜开心果味道甘甜清香,除了可以烘烤制成健康的减肥零食,还能做出美味的菜肴,是逢年过节、家庭聚会、款待朋友必不可少的健康开心美食。下面是华裔名厨甄文达(Martin Yan)的两道开心果美食。 食谱一:新鲜开心果海鲜生菜 份量:10-12份 【腌制调料】...
AdminJan 4, 20213 min read12 Surprising Benefits of Eating PistachiosHow Are Pistachios Good For You? A 28-gram serving of pistachios contains good amounts of fiber, protein, potassium, zinc, phosphorus,...
AdminNov 19, 20201 min read4种方法:家人天天开心果的味道方法一:原味--烤箱 / 平底锅 1)量多用烤箱。烤箱预热至300-350°F。带壳的开心果烤10-15分钟/去壳的开心果烤6至8分钟,或直到变香为止 2)少量开心果可用平底锅。开中火,将开心果倒入平底锅,不断搅拌,以免烤焦。6-8分钟后,开心果变成浅棕色后,将其取出...
AdminOct 26, 20205 min read4 Ways to Roast PistachiosRoasted pistachios are a delicious, healthy snack on their own and a great addition to salads, party mix, and baked goods. You can roast...